quantum performance calculator rules

about the quantum performance score

The Quantum Performance Calculator is designed to fairly compare the strength performance of people of different sizes. It is designed to measure and award the physical performance improvement that results from body composition improvement.

the lifts

The free barbell Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift are the three lifts used in the Quantum Performance Score (QPS).

the calculated max

The QPS is based on a 1-repetition-maximum lift. A calculated 1-repetition-maximum based on multiple, full-range repetitions with a lighter weight is equally valid, using the official 1-rep-max calculator.

the algorithm

The QPS measures the strength performance output of each kilo of bodyweight, scaled by the relative difference in cross-sectional-area given the persons height against a constant. The maximum possible Quantum Performance Score, therefore, requires a persons weight to be predominantly muscle. Hence, it is a score relevant to body recomposition and Recomp Certification.

the levels

The Quantum Performance Levels range from 0 to 10. They are based on the limits of human potential. Level 1 could be described as ‘fit‘ with every level above representing another level of athleticism. Level 5 is the entry level for Recomp Certification. Level 10 is the domain of top, World Champion strength athletes.

rules of the quantum performance score


The Quantum Performance Score (QPS) is designed to make fair comparison of the strength of different sized people. It is based on measuring how much weight people’s bodies are able to lift. It is not designed to measure how skilful or artful people are at exercises. Nor is it designed to test how well they can manipulate other equipment to make weight move.

assistance equipment

For official assessment, any device that mechanically assists the flexion or extension of a bodily joint, or mechanically applies an assistive acceleration on the weight, is considered unacceptable and invalidates (or reduces) a QPS.

A QPS is void if any person or item contacts the weight or lifter during the execution of the lift.

A QPS is void if achieved with the use of powerlifting equipment including (but not limited to) squat suits, bench shirts, erector suits and briefs.

In recognition of the significant number of people with knee insufficiencies, knee wraps may be used on Squats. However, the use of knee wraps incurs a 30% penalty reduction of the squat weight lifted for the purpose of calculating the QPS. Knee sleeves incur a 10% penalty.

Standard lifting belts, wrist wraps and lifting straps are acceptable for the QPS as they do not contribute a direct mechanical assistance to the movement of the weight.

exercise technique

The rules of execution of the squat, bench press and deadlift for QPS assessment (including the dimensions of the bar, plates and bench height) are based on the original interpretations of the IPF rules of Powerlifting competition (i.e. not the more modern ‘interpretations’ of squat depth or the position of the ‘chest’ by some organisations).

squat technique

Every rep of the squat for the QPS must begin in an upright position with the knees straight and back upright. The lifter must descend until the crease of the hip is below the top of the knee (i.e. below “parallel”) before ascending until the knees are straight and back upright.

Unlike Powerlifting Competition rules, for the QPS the lifter does not need to wait for a referee to announce the start of the squat nor wait for the ‘rack’ call. The bar can also stall, twist or travel back on its path before continuing upwards.

bench press technique

Every rep of the bench press for the QPS must begin with the lifter lying on a horizontal bench, 45cm in height, holding the bar above the chest with both elbows straight, hands no more than 81cm apart at the index finger, and both feet touching the ground. The bar must descend to touch the chest (not abdomen) and then ascend back to the same straight-arm starting position.

During the lift the buttocks may leave the bench. The feet may move but not leave the ground. The bar does not need to rest on the chest or wait for the referee’s call to begin its ascent. The bar can travel back on its path and then continue upwards. The elbows must straighten completely on every rep if multiple reps are to be performed.

deadlift technique

The bar must start from a complete stop on the same level of ground as the lifter (ie touch-and-go or ‘bounced’ reps are not acceptable).

A lift is considered completed when the shoulders lock back at the top, with knees straight and back upright.

Unlike Powerlifting competition, for QPS assessment the bar may stall or go back on its path before continuing. The lifter may hitch the weight. Lifting straps may be used to help grip the bar. If the bar falls from the hands after completing a rep, the rep is still counted as successfully lifted.

getting assessed

Recomp Certified Specialists are authorised to officially assess (with video evidence) a QPS at any time of year. Contact us to register your assessment and for your nearest specialist.

Otherwise, results from sanctioned, Raw Powerlifting Competitions, where official Australian Records can be set, are accepted for QPS Assessment for Recomp Certification. However, if knee wraps are allowed in the rules then it will be assumed they were used and the 30% squat penalty will apply unless video evidence confirms knee wraps were not used on the weight achieved.

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